>>  Integrated Technology of Energy-Saving and Environmental Protection Equipment      Menber
Tu Aimin
Senior Engineer  




Major studying and working experiences:

2015.6-present:   as a researcher assistant GuangzhouInstitute of Energy Conversion, ChineseAcademyof Sciences

2013.11-2015.5:  as a project manager/senior technical leader in Foshan comprehensive energy co.,LTD

2008.7-2013.11:  as an engineer in charge in the technical research and development department, Beijingcentury source technology co.,LTD

2002.3-2002.7: as an engineer in Qingdao Barone Group Engineering Company

1994.5-2001.8:  as a (assistant) station agent in Jiangxicopper company in Wushan copper mine gas station

1992.7-1994.5:  as a technician in Jiangxicopper company in Wushan copper mine gas station Preparatory Office

2005.9-2008.6: awarded a doctor degree for studying chemistry engineering in South China University of Technology

2002.9-2005.7: awarded a master degree for studying gas heating ventilation and air conditioning in Qingdao University of Technology

1989.9-1992.7: awarded a bachelor degree for studying heating ventilation in ChangchunConstructionCollege


Major Research Direction:

Industrial energy saving/waste heat recovery and low temperature cogeneration technology, low taste energy development/heat pump air conditioning technology, evaporative condenser cooling air conditioning refrigeration technology, MVR waste water zero emissions technology


Major Scientific Research  Experience and adwards:

He took part in many provincial scientific research projects during Graduating and working period, such as a sub project named “Low taste heat efficient power new technology and equipment development” in 863 plans, in which he majors in high temperature dust removal and equipment development. (2008.7-2010.6)

He won the Beijingscience and technology innovation enterprise evaluation association for being as the main member to participate in Beijingmunicipal science and technology achievements transformation project named “Low taste of waste heat recovery and cascade utilization technology. (2010.12-2012.11)

He took part in Fifteen nation research project named” Major industrial accidents and big city fire prevention and emergency technology research” during the Postgraduate period (2003.9-2004.12)

He won the second prize for Qingdaoscience and technology awards in2006 for being as a main member in the key project named “Multi Source heat pump application technology research”   



  1. 涂爱民Φ1.6 m水煤气炉系统置换与制气指标控制 江西冶金2002,22(2)
  2. 佟少臣, 董 华, 涂爱民  基于地理信息系统的燃气紧急事件的管理  煤气与热力2005,25(3)
  3. 涂爱民 周恩泽 佟少臣 董 华  地源热泵及地下U型换热器传热模拟研究  制冷与空调2005,5(5)
  4. 周恩泽,董 华,涂爱民  太阳能热泵-地板辐射供暖系统间歇运行模式的数值研究 流体机械(中文核心)2005,33(8)
  5. 张 宾  董 华 涂爱民 佟少臣 李春娥  基于GIS 的城市公共安全技术平台  中国安全科学学报(中文核心)2005,15(8)
  6. 涂爱民, 董 华, 杨卫波, 佟少臣  基于圆柱源理论模型的U型埋管换热器的模拟研究 太阳能学报(EI光盘版)2006,27(3)
  7. 朱冬生,涂爱民,蒋翔,王长宏   蒸发式冷凝冷却设备的研究状况及其应用前景分析  化工进展(中文核心)  2007,26(10): 1404-1410
  8. 涂爱民,朱冬生,吴治将,蒋翔   蒸发式冷凝器空调系统的性能及其应用前景华南理工大学学报(EI光盘版)  2007,35(11):66-71
  9. 朱冬生,涂爱民,蒋 翔,王长宏  蒸发式冷凝冷却设备的研究状况及其应用前景分析  化工进展(中文核心)  2007,26(10)
  10. 朱冬生 涂爱民李元希 蒋翔  蒸发式冷却器/闭式冷却塔的应用前景及其设计计算2007年制冷学术年会论文集
  11. 吴治将 朱冬生 赵强 涂爱民  立式蒸发式冷凝器的性能研究与强化实验 华南理工大学学报(EI光盘版)   2008,36(2):112-116
  12. 涂爱民,董 华,朱冬生,周恩泽  太阳能热泵- 地板辐射供热系统实验研究  暖通空调(中文核心)2007,37(1):108-112
  13. Tu Aimin,   Zhu Dongsheng,  Dong Hua   The Experiment Research of Solar Assisted Heat Pump-Radiant Floor Heating System  5th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Conditioning.(ISTP)    SEP 07-08, 2007 Beijing PEOPLES R CHINA.
  14. A.M. Tu, D.S. Zhu, C.H. Wang,X. Jiang.  Thermal resistance analyze of a horizontal tube evaporative condenser  The Eighteenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena      27-30 August, 2007, Daejeon, KOREA
  15. Wu, ZJ; Zhu, DS; Tu, AMThe heat and mass transfer characteristics in a vertical-tube evaporative condenser 5th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Conditioning.(ISTP)   SEP 07-08, 2007 Beijing PEOPLES R CHINA.
  16. Tu Aiming,ZHU Dongsheng, ZHAO Qiang    Evaporative Condenser Air Condition System Performance   Journal of Shaanxi University of Science & Technology 2008,26(7)
  17. 涂爱民,朱冬生   闭式冷却塔直接供冷及其经济性分析  暖通空调(中文核心)2008,38(4):98-104
  18. 周 璇 涂爱民朱冬生 梁列全  工业蒸发式冷却器节能节水运行仿真优化研究  制冷学报(中文核心)2008,29(6)
  19. 涂爱民朱冬生 蒋翔 水平管蒸发式冷凝器性能研究 暖通空调(中文核心)2011,41(5):95-100
  20. 涂爱民张青枝 程珩 高德云 余热发电技术在铁合金生产节能中的应用 中国铁合金2013,3
  21. 高德云  程珩  邱丰清  涂爱民  铁合金电炉烟气余热的饱和蒸汽发电技术  中国铁合金2013,1



  1. [实用新型]带有横管降膜蒸发器和横管式表冷器的太阳能海水淡化装置(朱冬生,涂爱民)(授权公告号:CN201811596U)
  2. [发明]空调制冷及海水淡化一体化装置及方法(朱冬生,蒋翔,唐广栋,涂爱民)(授权公告号:CN100427847C)
  3. [发明]一种板式燃气热水器的热交换器(朱冬生; 李元希; 吴治将; 涂爱民)(授权公告号:CN101245947B)
  4. [发明]一种太阳能热发电系统(陈恩鉴,涂爱民,程珩)(授权公告号:CN101968043B)
  5. [发明]一种带有余热发电系统的铁合金矿热炉系统(陈恩鉴,程珩,涂爱民)(申请号/专利号: 201010526161)
  6. [实用新型]一种水泥窑尾烟气余热梯级利用系统(沈永兵;程珩;涂爱民;颜如炎;邓丹;陈恩鉴)(申请号/专利号: 201010526161)
  7. [实用新型]落丸清灰系统的布丸或抛丸装置(陈恩鉴,涂爱民)(授权公告号:CN203177189U)
  8. [发明]一种适合于复杂受热面余热锅炉清灰系统(涂爱民,陈恩鉴)(申请公布号:CN103062782A)
  9. [发明]一种腔体式自然循环式太阳能饱和蒸汽锅炉(涂爱民,陈恩鉴)((申请公布号:CN103062743A))
  10. [发明]一种ISP冷却溜槽余热锅炉系统 (王婷婷; 陈恩鉴; 程珩; 涂爱民; 高朋艳)(申请公布号:CN103063041A)
  11. [发明]一种铁合金矿热炉余热回收综合利用系统  (程珩,陈恩鉴,涂爱民)(申请公布号:CN10304787)
  12. [实用新型] 矿热炉饱和蒸汽余热发电系统 (程珩,陈恩鉴,涂爱民)(授权公告号:CN202707164U)
  13. [实用新型] 一种矿热炉烟道(陈恩鉴,程珩,涂爱民)(授权公告号:CN202613996U)



 → Research 1
Organic Solid Waste Recycling and Energy Utilization
ChargemanYuan Haoran
  Research 2
Comprehensive Recycling Utilization of Inorganic Solid Waste
ChargemanXiong Zuhong
  Research 3
Industrial and building Energy Saving Integrated Technology 
ChargemanGuo Huafang
  Research 4
Efficient Utilization of Middle-Low Grade Energy
ChargemanLi Jun
    Zhou Rui    
  Research 5
 Integrated Technology of Energy-Saving and Environmental Protection Equipment
ChargemanZhu Dongsheng
  → Research 6
 Strategy Consulting Researches
ChargemanGuo Huafang